Family Counseling

Family Counseling

What is Family Therapy? Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy that seeks to reduce distress and conflict by improving the systems of interactions between family members. While family therapists often seek to have all family members (affected by the problem) in the room, that is not always possible or necessary. What distinguishes family therapy from individual counseling is its perspective or framework, not how many people are present at the therapy session. This type of counseling views problems as patterns or systems that need adjusting, as opposed to viewing problems as residing in the person, which is why family therapy is often referred to as a “strengths based treatment.” “Family” is defined by the modern family therapist as anyone who plays a long-term supportive role in one’s life, which may not mean blood relations or family members in the same household. Family relationships are viewed as important for good mental health, regardless of whether all family members are participating in the therapy. It is an ideal counseling method for helping family members adjust to an immediate family member struggling with an addiction, medical issue or mental health diagnosis. It is also recommended for improving communication and reducing conflict.

Other common reasons for seeking family therapy include: When a child is having a problem such as with school, substance abuse, or disordered eating A major trauma or change that impacts the entire family (i.e. relocation to a new house, incarceration of a family member) Unexpected or traumatic loss of a family member Adjustment to a new family member in the home (i.e. birth of a sibling, adoption, foster children, a grandparent entering the home)

  •   Domestic violence
  •   Divorce
  •   Parent Conflict

The specific number of family therapy sessions depends on the situation and type of family therapy, but the average is 5-20 sessions. A family is not billed more for a family therapy session, even when there are multiple parties in the room. However, most insurance plans will not cover a couples or family session unless one of the individuals has a mental health diagnosis. Families can schedule extended sessions but will be responsible for paying the additional fee. Downloads: Coaching vs Therapy

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How we can help...

We offer a wide range of counseling services to help you.
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Counseling Options:

Fully Licensed Professionals

Initial assessment

Initial assessment

Additional sessions are available

Group therapy

Licensed Clinical Interns

Initial assessment

Additional sessions available

Group therapy

Downloads: Coaching vs Therapy

Things to Know:

Appointment times: I customize my schedule to cater to my clients and the corresponding time zone.

What I mean by email support: During the first few sessions I will tend to send you a fair bit of information for you to read in your own time, so that our coaching sessions are used most efficiently. You are also free to email me as much as you wish with thoughts, questions and updates. I also set tasks, depending on what your needs are at the time – I can be gentle or I can be more challenging, depending upon your preference. I respond to all emails within 1 business day.